WWD: Matthew Singer Launches M. Singer Menswear Company

WWD: Matthew Singer Launches M. Singer Menswear Company

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Article written by Jean E. Palmieri for WWD.com | June 21st, 2014

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Matthew Singer is following in the footsteps of Michael Bastian and Nick Wooster by turning his skills from retail to design.

Singer, the former men’s fashion director at Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman — the same position held at one time by Bastian and Wooster — today will launch the M. Singer Experience on Gilt. Singer, who also served as men’s fashion director of Bloomingdale’s and Scoop, has created a line of casual and classic American sportswear that will include vintage baseball T-shirts, work shirts and chambray shorts. The collection, which was designed in New York and manufactured in Los Angeles, will retail for $35 to $99 and be available on the flash-sale site through Wednesday.

“I’m a product guy more than a designer,” Singer told WWD. “And I had this idea to make comfortable clothes for real guys to wear on the weekends. I’m in the fashion industry and wear suits all the time, but my life outside is not in the fashion industry.” He said he used his best friend as the fit model for the “relaxed, casual” collection.

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Keith George, senior vice president and general manager of men’s and home for Gilt, said the collaboration came about after a brainstorming session between Singer and Gilt’s fashion director, Brooke Cundiff. “We are always looking for new brands and products for our members, and the partnership seemed like a perfect fit,” he said. “Matt has such impeccable taste and has a great eye for fit and detail. We knew that he would bring all of these elements to his collection. He knows what men want to wear, and by offering a collection through Gilt, he can offer his vision at an accessible price.”

Singer said launching with Gilt was an easy decision. “They have a built-in loyal customer base and will launch with nine million people instantly. It just made sense from an exposure and sales standpoint.”

Singer, who started his own consulting business since leaving Neiman’s six months ago, said he hopes the M. Singer Experience will “become a bigger thing” in the future. “Maybe next season we’ll do something more tailored or sportier. We’ll see where it goes,” he said.

Gilt’s George said Singer is working on additional long-sleeve knits and two cotton baseball jackets for fall.

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